3 Guesses
Concepts covered: Variety of concepts (e.g. even/odd, square numbers, prime numbers, greater than/less than etc.)
Equipment: deck of cards, paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “Why did you choose to make ___ as your number?”; “What other clues could you have given for that number?”;
Shout-out to Nash for creating this game.
Double Double Cross
Concepts covered: Place Value
Equipment: Dice (6 sided), paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “What are you hoping to roll?”; “Why did you cross this 5 out instead of that 5?”; “What would you do differently next time you play this game?”
Thanks to Paul Swan for creating this game.
Double Hat-Trick
Concepts covered: Place value
Equipment: 0-9 dice (or deck of playing cards), paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “What numbers can you make?”; “Why did you decide to make __ instead of __?”; “How do you know that goes there?”; “What are you hoping to roll? Why?” (This is especially good to use if you get students to roll the dice one at a time); “What would you do differently next time you play?”
Shout-out to James Russo for creating this game.
From Here to There (Place Value)
Concepts covered: Place Value and addition
Equipment: Deck of cards, paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing:
“What are you hoping to roll?”
“How did you work that out?”
Greater Than
Concepts covered: Place value, comparing/ordering numbers
Equipment: 0-9 dice (3 dice for 3 digit numbers, 4 dice for 4 digit numbers etc.), paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “What numbers can you make?”; “Why did you choose to make ___?”; “Why did you choose to place __ in that particular row?”; “What are you hoping to roll? Why?”; “What would you do differently next time you play?”
Shout-out to Paul Swan for teaching me this game.
Half, More or Less
Concepts covered: Fractions
Equipment: deck of cards, paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “What fractions can you make?”; “Why did you choose to make ___?”; “Can you prove that ___ is larger/smaller than a half?”; “What would you do differently next time you play?”
Shout-out to James Russo for creating this game.
Just Gridding
Concepts covered: Place Value and addition
Equipment: Dice (10 sided), paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “What are you hoping to roll?”; “How did you work that out?”; “What would you do differently the next time you played?”
Thanks to Rob Vingerhoets for teaching me to play this game.
Make Me Whole
Concepts covered: Fractions, addition
Equipment: deck of cards, paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “What fractions can you make?”; “Why did you choose to make ___?”; “What card/s are you hoping to get? Why?”; “Can you prove to me that this makes a whole?”; “What would you do differently next time you play?”
Concepts covered: Place value
Equipment: Paper and pens…that’s it!
Good questions to ask while playing: “Can you read that number?”; “How much is the 8 worth now?”; “Which is the largest/smallest number on our board? How do you know?”; “How did you know the 7 went in the tens?”; “What would you do differently next time you play?”
Shout-out to Rob Vingerhoets for teaching me this game.
Mathematical Unicorns
Concepts covered: Variety of concepts (e.g. even/odd, square numbers, prime numbers, greater than/less than etc.)
Equipment: Paper and pens, deck of cards
Good questions to ask while playing: “Why did you choose to play that card?”; “Is there another reason for the card you just played?”; “What would you do differently the next time that you played?”
Shout-out to Jen Bowden for providing the idea that helped us to create this game.
Maths Grid
Concepts covered: Variety of concepts/vocab (e.g. even/odd, square numbers, prime numbers, greater than/less than etc.)
Equipment: paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “Why did you choose to write ___?”; “What other numbers could you written in that spot?”
Nearest to One
Concepts covered: Fractions, addition
Equipment: deck of cards, paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “What fractions can you make?”; “Why did you choose to make ___?”; “What card/s are you hoping to get? Why?”; “What would you do differently next time you play?”
Shout-out to James Russo for creating this game.
Place Value Knockout 2.0
Concepts covered: Place value, ordering numbers, chance/probability
Equipment: six-sided dice (3 dice for 3 digit numbers, 4 dice for 4 digit numbers etc.), counters/tokens, paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “What numbers can you make?”; “Why did you choose to make ___?”; “What are you hoping to roll? Why?” (This is especially good to use if you get students to roll the dice one at a time); “What would you do differently next time you play?”
Shout-out to Paul Swan for teaching me this game.
Place Value Pebbles
Concepts covered: Place value, ordering numbers, chance/probability
Equipment: 2 x 0-9 dice (or deck of playing cards), paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “What numbers can you make?”; “How do you know that goes there?”; “What numbers might go between these two pebbles?”; “What are you hoping to roll? Why?” (This is especially good to use if you get students to roll the dice one at a time); “What would you do differently next time you play?”
Skip Counting Something
Concepts covered: Skip counting, patterns/algebra
Equipment: Deck of cards
Good questions to ask while playing: “Why did you choose to make your middle number ___?”; “What are you trying to skip-count by?”; “What card/s are you hoping to pick-up?”; “What would you do differently next time you play?”
Concepts covered: Place value, ordering numbers and probability
Equipment: six-sided dice (3 dice for 3 digit numbers, 4 dice for 4 digit numbers etc.), paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “What numbers can you make?”; “Why did you choose to make ___?”; “What are you hoping to roll? Why?” (This is especially good to use if you get students to roll the dice one at a time); “What would you do differently next time you play?”
Shout-out to Paul Swan for teaching me this game.
Tumbling Towers
Concepts covered: Place value
Equipment: 0-9 dice (or deck of playing cards), paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “What numbers can you make?”; “Why did you decide to make __ instead of ?”; “Why did you decide to place __ there?”; “What card are you hoping to turn over? Why?” (This is especially good to use if you get students to turn over one card at a time when they have one remaining spot on their tower)
Shout-out to Andrew Lorimer-Derham (Thinksquare) for creating this game.
Which One Doesn’t Belong
Concepts covered: Variety of concepts (e.g. even/odd, square numbers, prime numbers, greater than/less than etc.)
Equipment: Paper and pens
Good questions to ask while playing: “Why did you choose ___?”; “Is there another reason why ___ might not belong?”
Which One Doesn’t Belong 2.0
Concepts covered: Variety of concepts (e.g. even/odd, square numbers, prime numbers, greater than/less than etc.)
Equipment: Paper and pens, deck of cards, six-sided dice
Good questions to ask while playing: “Is there another reason why ___ might not belong?”
Shout-out to Tricia Minter for helping us to create this game.